Mount Emei  

Mount Emei

Mount Emei 

phrase. 峨眉山 

We are going to Mount Emei on Friday. 星期五我们打算去峨嵋山。
A study published by the American Science journal this week indicates that massive volcanic explosions in Mount Emei of Sichuan may have resulted in a global mass extinction some 260m years ago. 美国学术期刊《科学》杂志本周刊文称,地球2.6亿年前的一次生物大灭绝,很可能是四川峨眉山火山大爆发所致。

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  • phrase. 峨眉山
  • 1. We are going to Mount Emei on Friday.


  • 2. A study published by the American Science journal this week indicates that massive volcanic explosions in Mount Emei of Sichuan may have resulted in a global mass extinction some 260m years ago.


  • 3. Mount Emei in Sichuan Province is renowned for its hill forests bathing in the ocean of cloud and mist.


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