Monsignor 英 [mɒnˈsi:njə(r)]   美 [mɑnˈsinjə]


Monsignor  英 [mɒnˈsi:njə(r)] 美 [mɑnˈsinjə]

n. 大人,老爷;有此荣衔神职者;阁下 


If Monsignor Quinn’s record passes those tests, the diocese will have to present evidence of at least two miracles attributed to him after his death. 如果牧师奎因的记录通过了这些测试,那么教区还需要提供至少两个证据证明牧师死后有奇迹因他而发生。
As the Monsignor from the family's church pressed the crucifix to Michael's head and began last rites, Kathy noticed her son's breathing was becoming more labored. 教会的主教把一个十字架按在了迈克尔的头上,开始进行最后的仪式。 这时凯西注意到迈克尔的呼吸变得越来越困难。

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  • n. 大人,老爷;有此荣衔神职者;阁下
  • 1. If Monsignor Quinn’s record passes those tests, the diocese will have to present evidence of at least two miracles attributed to him after his death.


  • 2. As the Monsignor from the family's church pressed the crucifix to Michael's head and began last rites, Kathy noticed her son's breathing was becoming more labored.

    教会的主教把一个十字架按在了迈克尔的头上,开始进行最后的仪式。 这时凯西注意到迈克尔的呼吸变得越来越困难。

  • 3. "Science must stick to its own field of competence," concurs Monsignor Richard K. Malone, a professor of moral theology at the Pope John XXIII National Seminary in Massachusetts.

    持同样观点有Richard K. Malone阁下,麻省教皇约翰二十二世国立神学院的道德宗教理论教授。 他说:“科学就应该呆在它自己的地盘上。”

  • monsignor (n.) title conferred on some prelates, 1640s, from Italian monsignore "my lord," formed on model of French monseigneur (see monseigneur) from equivalent elements in Italian.
Mon·si·gnor / mɒnˈsiːnjə(r) ; NAmE mɑːnˈsiːnjər / noun ( abbr.Mgr ) used as a title when speaking to or about a priest of high rank in the Roman Catholic Church 蒙席(罗马天主教会授予某些圣职人员的荣衔) Monsignor Monsignori Mon·si·gnor / mɒnˈsiːnjə(r) ; NAmE mɑːnˈsiːnjər /
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