Minotaur 英 ['mainətɔ:]  


Minotaur  英 ['mainətɔ:]

n. 弥诺陶洛斯(人身牛头怪物) 


Like the Minotaur. He's a great listener, providing you speak loud enough that he can hear you over his cud-chewing. 比方说米诺陶(希腊神话中牛头人身的怪物,爱好吃小孩),他可是个很棒的听众,前提是你嗓门儿要够大,起码得比他反刍的呕吐声大。
Both the sculptures ‘Minotaur’ and ‘Centaur’ are preoccupied with the representation and re-presentation of myth, in this case with mythology of a Classical nature. 雕塑牛头人(弥诺陶洛斯)和人马兽原先在神话里就有所呈现和展示。

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  • n. 弥诺陶洛斯(人身牛头怪物)
  • 1. Like the Minotaur. He's a great listener, providing you speak loud enough that he can hear you over his cud-chewing.


  • 2. Both the sculptures ‘Minotaur’ and ‘Centaur’ are preoccupied with the representation and re-presentation of myth, in this case with mythology of a Classical nature.


  • 3. With ‘Minotaur’ It was an end of terror in a way, to see this iconic, menacing figure lifeless was a satisfying image for me given all the talk of terror when I made it (2005).

    你去看这幅画面,让我满意的是这毫无生气的威胁性形象。 我创作出它时考虑到了当时所有恐怖事件的讨论(2005)。

  • Minotaur (n.) late 14c., from Greek minotauros, from Minos, king of Crete + tauros "bull" (see Taurus). A flesh-eating monster, half man half bull, son of Pasiphae (wife of Minos) by a bull.
Mi·no·taur / ˈmaɪnətɔː(r) ; NAmE ˈmaɪnətɔːr / / ˈmɪnətɔː(r) ; NAmE ˈmɪnətɔːr / noun ( in ancient Greek stories 古希腊神话 ) an imaginary creature who was half man and half bull 弥诺陶洛斯(人身牛头怪物) Minotaur Minotaurs Mi·no·taur / ˈmaɪnətɔː(r) ; NAmE ˈmaɪnətɔːr /
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