May Day  

May Day

May Day 

phrase. 五一国际劳动节 

名词复数:may days 

Imported goods are being replenished since 26th last month, I believe the stockpile could ensure the goods supply during and after the May Day holiday. 进口产品从上个月26日就已经开始补充库存了,我相信库存商品可以确保五一假期期间和之后的商品供应。

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  • phrase. 五一国际劳动节
  • 1. Imported goods are being replenished since 26th last month, I believe the stockpile could ensure the goods supply during and after the May Day holiday.


  • May Day "first of May," mid-15c. Accounts of merrymaking on this date are attested from mid-13c. Synonymous with "communist procession" from at least 1906. The May Queen seems to be a Victorian re-invented tradition.
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