


phrase. (天主教的)玛利亚会会员 


The Marist survey showed that people over 60 are the most worried about privacy, and women are more concerned than men. 马里斯特调研所一项调查显示60以上的人是最担心隐私问题的,女人比男人更在意一点。
"Perhaps these words are introduced through popular culture, for example movies ... so they catch on ," said Mary Azzoli, of Marist. 美国圣母学院的玛丽 阿左利说:“这些词也许是从流行文化中来的,比如电影,所以变得时髦起来。

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  • phrase. (天主教的)玛利亚会会员
  • 1. The Marist survey showed that people over 60 are the most worried about privacy, and women are more concerned than men.


  • 2. "Perhaps these words are introduced through popular culture, for example movies ... so they catch on ," said Mary Azzoli, of Marist.

    美国圣母学院的玛丽 阿左利说:“这些词也许是从流行文化中来的,比如电影,所以变得时髦起来。

  • 3. According to The Marist Poll, “whatever” remains the most annoying word or phrase in conversation today. 39% of Americans despise the often tossed about term.

    根据玛丽斯特民调,如今“随便”仍然是在交谈中最令人讨厌的用语。 39%的美国人轻视这个经常反复折腾的术语。

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