MBA 英 [ˌem bi: ˈeɪ]   美 [ˌembi'eɪ]


MBA  英 [ˌem bi: ˈeɪ] 美 [ˌembi'eɪ]

abbr. 工商管理学硕士(Master of Business Administration);海洋生物协会(Marine Biological Association);主要战区(Main Battle Area) 


This book should be required reading in all MBA and management curricula because of its ability to translate leadership principles into actual practices that work! 本书还适用于所有MBA及其管理课程,因为它能够帮助你将领导原则转换为工作中的实际操作。

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  • abbr. 工商管理学硕士(Master of Business Administration);海洋生物协会(Marine Biological Association);主要战区(Main Battle Area)
  • 1. This book should be required reading in all MBA and management curricula because of its ability to translate leadership principles into actual practices that work!


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