


abbr. 有限责任公司(Limited);激光目标指示器(等于Laser Target Designator) 

A: Someone from BMA Ltd. Listen to what he says, "Thank you for your usual monthly statement. BMA有限公司的一个什么人寄来的。 我读给你听:"感谢你们每月的账单。
The student is helping with a "sleep survey" carried out by luxury bed specialists Simon Horn Ltd. 该学生正在帮助豪华床专家-西蒙霍恩有限公司进行一项“睡眠调查”。

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  • abbr. 有限责任公司(Limited);激光目标指示器(等于Laser Target Designator)
  • 1. A: Someone from BMA Ltd. Listen to what he says, "Thank you for your usual monthly statement.

    BMA有限公司的一个什么人寄来的。 我读给你听:"感谢你们每月的账单。

  • 2. The student is helping with a "sleep survey" carried out by luxury bed specialists Simon Horn Ltd.


  • 3. I am Mr. Smith, the Import manager of Atlantic Industries Ltd, Sidney, Australia. This is my card.


Ltd abbreviation Limited(used after the name of a British company or business) 有限责任公司,股份有限公司(用于英国公司或商行名称之后) Pearce and Co. Ltd 皮尔斯有限公司
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