


abbr. 初级,小 Junior 


I still keep a picture of Jr. Walker and me doing a riff together. 我现在仍然留着和小沃克一起即兴演奏爵士乐的一张照片。
Jr owns the biggest art gallery in the world. He exhibits freely in the streets of the world, catching the attention of people who are not the museum visitors. JR拥有世界上最大的艺术画廊,他在世界不同的街道上免费的展现给大家,来吸引那些没钱去博物馆参观的人的目光。

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  • abbr. 初级,小 Junior
  • 1. I still keep a picture of Jr. Walker and me doing a riff together.


  • 2. Jr owns the biggest art gallery in the world. He exhibits freely in the streets of the world, catching the attention of people who are not the museum visitors.


  • 3. After the divorce, Barack Jr. only saw his father one more time, in Hawaii, in 1972, when this photograph was taken.


Jr ( also Jnr ) ( both BrE) ( also Jr. NAmE, BrE ) abbreviation Junior 年少者;年资较低者 compare Sr
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