Jordanian 英 [dʒɔ:'deɪnɪən]   美 [dʒɔr'deɪnɪrn]


Jordanian  英 [dʒɔ:'deɪnɪən] 美 [dʒɔr'deɪnɪrn]

adj. 约旦的;约旦人的  n. 约旦人 


That’s not to say I’m abandoning or uninterested in exploring my Jordanian roots, but simply that, like all writers, I need to keep pushing myself toward new ways of finding and telling my truth. 这并不意味我正在放弃或不再想探讨我的约旦之根,而只不过是像所有作家一样,我需要不断鞭策我自己向前发展,采用发现和描述我的真情的新方法。
Excavations there began in 1997 after the redeployment of Jordanian troops who had controlled it when it was a mine-infested no-go zone until a 1994 peace treaty with Israel. 发掘工作开始于1997年,约旦武装部队重新部署之后,1994年他们与以色列达成和平协议,已经控制了这片布满地雷的禁区。

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  • adj. 约旦的;约旦人的
  • n. 约旦人
  • 1. That’s not to say I’m abandoning or uninterested in exploring my Jordanian roots, but simply that, like all writers, I need to keep pushing myself toward new ways of finding and telling my truth.


  • 2. Excavations there began in 1997 after the redeployment of Jordanian troops who had controlled it when it was a mine-infested no-go zone until a 1994 peace treaty with Israel.


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