Jesuit 英 [ˈdʒezjuɪt]   美 [ˈdʒeʒəwət]


Jesuit  英 [ˈdʒezjuɪt] 美 [ˈdʒeʒəwət]

n. 耶稣会信徒;阴险的人(等于jersuit) 


Standing in contrast to its humble beginnings as a small Jesuit chapel, the Notre Dame Basilica is now one of the largest churches in North America, with soaring towers and a grandiose altar. 最初的圣母大教堂只是一个小小的耶稣会信徒小礼拜堂,如今它已经成为北美最大的教堂之一,有着高耸入云的尖塔和华丽的祭坛。
We were joined by Father Richard McSorley, a Jesuit on the Georgetown faculty who had long been active in the peace movement. 理查德.麦克索利神父也参与到其中。 他是一位耶稣会教士,乔治敦大学的教师之一,长期积极从事和平运动。

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  • n. 耶稣会信徒;阴险的人(等于jersuit)
  • 1. Standing in contrast to its humble beginnings as a small Jesuit chapel, the Notre Dame Basilica is now one of the largest churches in North America, with soaring towers and a grandiose altar.


  • 2. We were joined by Father Richard McSorley, a Jesuit on the Georgetown faculty who had long been active in the peace movement.

    理查德.麦克索利神父也参与到其中。 他是一位耶稣会教士,乔治敦大学的教师之一,长期积极从事和平运动。

  • Jesuit (n.) 1540s, from Modern Latin Jesuita, member of the Societas Jesu ("Society of Jesus"), founded 1533 by Ignatius Loyola to combat Protestantism. See Jesus. Their enemies (in both Catholic and Protestant lands) accused them of belief that ends justify means, hence the sense "a crafty or dissembling person" (1630s), and jesuitical "deceitful, designing, insinuating" (1610s).
Jes·uit / ˈdʒezjuɪt ; NAmE ˈdʒeʒəwət / noun a member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious group (天主教)耶稣会会士 a Jesuit priest 耶稣会神父 Jesuit Jesuits Jes·uit / ˈdʒezjuɪt ; NAmE ˈdʒeʒəwət /
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