Inland Revenue Service  

Inland Revenue Service

Inland Revenue Service 

The suppliers and other organizations that I owe money to are my accounts payable or payables. I must remember to pay tax to the Inland Revenue Service on time. 我还欠钱没给的供货商或其他机构就是我的应付账款,我还必须记得按时向国内税务局缴纳税金。
We provide audit service, issue audit reports for filing to the Inland Revenue Department. We also assist application of bank loans and governmental grants, issue certification of assets and income. 为各行各业提供核数服务,发出核数报告呈交税务局及协助申请各类贷款,向政府部门申报资产及收入证明。

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  • 1. The suppliers and other organizations that I owe money to are my accounts payable or payables. I must remember to pay tax to the Inland Revenue Service on time.


  • 2. We provide audit service, issue audit reports for filing to the Inland Revenue Department. We also assist application of bank loans and governmental grants, issue certification of assets and income.


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