Indo- 英 [ˈɪndəʊ]   美 [ˈɪndoʊ]


Indo-  英 [ˈɪndəʊ] 美 [ˈɪndoʊ]

phrase. 印度的 


I don’t see any references that say it was Indo-European, but if there was an earlier source Indo-European would be the prime suspect. 虽然我没有在任何一本参考资料看到它是来源于印欧语系,但是如果进一步探究,源于印欧语系的可能性最大。
The root of his name is thought to come from an Indo-European root ei meaning “to go, ” again, as one does through a doorway. 他的名字的来源被认为是来自印欧语系的一个词根,意为“向前走”,同样的,就像人们走过一道门一样。

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  • phrase. 印度的
  • 1. I don’t see any references that say it was Indo-European, but if there was an earlier source Indo-European would be the prime suspect.


  • 2. The root of his name is thought to come from an Indo-European root ei meaning “to go, ” again, as one does through a doorway.


  • 3. For example, farmers on the Indo-Gangetic plain are already experiencing lower wheat yields because of increased temperatures.


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