Indian summer 英 [ˈɪndjən ˈsʌmə]   美 [ˈɪndiən ˈsʌmɚ]

Indian summer

Indian summer  英 [ˈɪndjən ˈsʌmə] 美 [ˈɪndiən ˈsʌmɚ]

phrase. 小阳春;兴旺的晚期;深秋初冬季节风和日丽的宜人气候 

名词复数:indian summers 

Leaving Bavaria we were once again treated to flat roads, easy-to-follow cycle paths, courteous drivers and the warmth of an Indian summer. 在离开巴伐利亚的时候,我们又一次骑行在平坦而易于识别的自行车专用道上,驾车人都很彬彬有礼,天气像印度一般炎热。
Still the Indian summer held on, and he continued to crawl and faint ,turn and turn about; and ever the sick wolf coughed and wheezed at his heels. 幸好深秋的天气依然晴朗,他继续爬,一次又一次地晕死过去,可是醒来他又继续地往前爬,不停地回头张望着;而那头病狼也在不停地咳嗽着,发出艰难的喘息声,可依然紧紧尾随其后。

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  • phrase. 小阳春;兴旺的晚期;深秋初冬季节风和日丽的宜人气候
  • 1. Leaving Bavaria we were once again treated to flat roads, easy-to-follow cycle paths, courteous drivers and the warmth of an Indian summer.


  • 2. Still the Indian summer held on, and he continued to crawl and faint ,turn and turn about; and ever the sick wolf coughed and wheezed at his heels.


  • 3. Meanwhile we step hastily along through the powdery snow, warmed by an inward heat, enjoying an Indian summer still, in the increased glow of thought and feeling.


  • Indian summer (n.) "spell of warm, dry, hazy weather after the first frost" (happening anywhere from mid-September to nearly December, according to location), 1774, North American English (also used in eastern Canada), perhaps so called because it was first noted in regions then still inhabited by Indians, in the upper Mississippi valley west of the Appalachians, or because the Indians first described it to the Europeans. No evidence connects it with the color of fall leaves, or to a season of renewed Indian attacks on settlements due to renewed warm weather (a widespread explanation dating at least to the 1820s).
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