Honduran 英 [hɔn'djuərən]  


Honduran  英 [hɔn'djuərən]

adj. 洪都拉斯的  n. 宏都拉斯人 


The evidence suggests that only about one Honduran in three supports Mr Zelaya. 证据显示,只有约三分之一的洪都拉斯人支持塞拉亚。
They are used to finding an unwavering ally in the US and and many Honduran's suddenly find their northern neighbor on the opposite side of a political argument. 过去,洪都拉斯人一直把美国当作坚定的盟友,但如今许多人却发现,他们的北方邻居在一场政治争论中站在了他们的对立面。

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  • adj. 洪都拉斯的
  • n. 宏都拉斯人
  • 1. The evidence suggests that only about one Honduran in three supports Mr Zelaya.


  • 2. They are used to finding an unwavering ally in the US and and many Honduran's suddenly find their northern neighbor on the opposite side of a political argument.


  • 3. The customs chief at the Honduran border was the only official to hold me up. He insisted I watch a France v Mexico football international on the TV in his office - and drink his beer.


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