High Court  

High Court

High Court 

phrase. [法] 高等法院 

名词复数:high courts 

Cases also come to the High Court from a state supreme court if the dispute turns on an issue of federal law or the Constitution. 如案件涉及的争端与联邦法律或宪法有关,那么这些案件也会由州最高法院送交联邦最高法院审理。
In its skeleton argument, BT claimed in the High Court that rights groups would like to see about "400 sites a year" blocked by internet providers. 在其基本辩论中,英国电信在高等法院声称人权组织希望互联网服务公司阻止访问的网站每年大约有400个。

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  • phrase. [法] 高等法院
  • 1. Cases also come to the High Court from a state supreme court if the dispute turns on an issue of federal law or the Constitution.


  • 2. In its skeleton argument, BT claimed in the High Court that rights groups would like to see about "400 sites a year" blocked by internet providers.


  • 3. A spokesman for a big Western firm mutters into his cappuccino about a recent High Court decision, which if upheld would cost his company billions.


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