Hebrew 英 [ˈhi:bru:]   美 [ˈhibru]


Hebrew  英 [ˈhi:bru:] 美 [ˈhibru]

n. 希伯来人,犹太人;希伯来语  adj. 希伯来人的;希伯来语的 


He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his kinsmen. 他看到一个埃及人打希伯来人,他的同族。
It was very limited and unfortunately I could only speak to them in Hebrew. 机会十分有限,而且很不幸的是,我只能用希伯来语同他们交谈。

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  • n. 希伯来人,犹太人;希伯来语
  • adj. 希伯来人的;希伯来语的
  • 1. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his kinsmen.


  • 2. It was very limited and unfortunately I could only speak to them in Hebrew.


  • 3. Hebrew is close to what's going on there, but they don't take the language.

    希伯来人与那里发生一切关系密切。 但是他们不使用上述语言。

  • Hebrew (adj.) late Old English, from Old French Ebreu, from Latin Hebraeus, from Greek Hebraios, from Aramaic (Semitic) 'ebhrai, corresponding to Hebrew 'ibhri "an Israelite." Traditionally from an ancestral name Eber, but probably literally "one from the other side," perhaps in reference to the River Euphrates, or perhaps simply signifying "immigrant;" from 'ebher "region on the other or opposite side." The initial H- was restored in English from 16c. As a noun from c. 1200, "the Hebrew language;" late 14c. in reference to persons, originally "a biblical Jew, Israelite."
Heb·rew / ˈhiːbruː ; NAmE ˈhiːbruː / noun 1 a member of an ancient race of people living in what is now Israel and Palestine. Their writings and traditions form the basis of the Jewish religion. 希伯来人 2 the language traditionally used by the Hebrew people 希伯来语 3 a modern form of the Hebrew language which is the official language of modern Israel 现代希伯来语(现代以色列的官方语言) compare Yiddish Heb·rew adjective Hebrew Hebrews Heb·rew / ˈhiːbruː ; NAmE ˈhiːbruː /
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