HM [hm]  


HM  [hm]

abbr. 百米(hectometer) 


At that speed, HM Cancri is the fastest binary star pair ever discovered, with each white dwarf circling the other at a speed of 310 miles per second. 双星HM Cancri是迄今为止所发现的运行最快的双星,它们是一对白矮星,其中一个围绕着另一个运转的速度是每秒310英里。
The pocket label reads 'HM Prisons.' 口袋标签上写着“HM监禁”。

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  • abbr. 百米(hectometer)
  • 1. At that speed, HM Cancri is the fastest binary star pair ever discovered, with each white dwarf circling the other at a speed of 310 miles per second.

    双星HM Cancri是迄今为止所发现的运行最快的双星,它们是一对白矮星,其中一个围绕着另一个运转的速度是每秒310英里。

  • 2. The pocket label reads 'HM Prisons.'


  • 3. In this photograph he stands with the prison-issue shirt fromhis last stint 'inside'. The pocket label reads 'HM Prisons.'


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