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- n. 指南;向导
- v. 引导;带领;
1. a Guide to Family Health
2. Let's have a look at the TV guide and see what's on.
3. a guide to Italy
4. travel guides
5. a tour guide
6. We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains.
7. I let my feelings be my guide.
8. We were guided around the museums.
9. He was always guided by his religious beliefs.
- guide (n.) mid-14c., "one who shows the way," from Old French guide, 14c., verbal noun from guider (see guide (v.)). In book titles from 1610s; meaning "book of information on local sites" is from 1759. In 18c. France, a "for Dummies" or "Idiot's Guide to" book would have been a guid' âne, literally "guide-ass." Guide-dog for the blind is from 1932.
- guide (v.) late 14c., "to lead, direct, conduct," from Old French guider "to guide, lead, conduct" (14c.), earlier guier, from Frankish *witan "show the way" or a similar Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *witanan "to look after, guard, ascribe to, reproach" (source also of German weisen "to show, point out," Old English witan "to reproach," wite "fine, penalty"), from PIE root *weid- "to see." The form of the French word influenced by Old Provençal guidar (n.) "guide, leader," or Italian guidare, both from the same source. Related: Guided; guiding. Guided missile, one capable of altering course in flight, is from 1945.
guide ★ / ɡaɪd ; NAmE ɡaɪd / noun , verb guide guides guided guiding noun ★ book/magazine 书刊 1 ★ guide(to sth) a book, magazine, etc. that gives you information, help or instructions about sth 指南;手册 ◆ a Guide to Family Health 家庭健康指南 ◆ Let's have a look at the TV guide and see what's on. 咱们看一下节目表,好知道电视上在放些什么。 2 ★ ( also guide·book ) guide(to sth) a book that gives information about a place for travellers or tourists 旅游指南(或手册) ◆ a guide to Italy 意大利旅游指南 ◆ travel guides 旅行手册 person 人 3 ★ a person who shows other people the way to a place, especially sb employed to show tourists around interesting places 导游;向导 ◆ a tour guide 导游 ◆ We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains. 我们雇了一名当地人做向导带领我们翻山越岭。 4 a person who advises you on how to live and behave 指导者;指引者 ◆ a spiritual guide 神修指导者 sth that helps you decide 指导的事物 5 something that gives you enough information to be able to make a decision about sth or form an opinion 有指导意义的事物;指导的事物 ◆ As a rough guide,allow half a cup of rice per person. 大致定个标准,就是每人半杯米。 ◆ I let my feelings be my guide. 我是跟着感觉走。 girl 女孩 6 Guide ( also old-fashioned ˌGirl ˈGuide ) ( both BrE) ( US ˌGirl ˈScout ) a member of an organization (called the Guidesor the Girl Scouts) which is similar to the Scoutsand which trains girls in practical skills and does a lot of activities with them, for example camping 女童子军 ☞compare Brownie (2 ), ( 3 ) verb ★ show the way 指路 1 ★ guidesb (to/through/around sth) to show sb the way to a place, often by going with them; to show sb a place that you know well 给某人领路(或导游);指引 ◆ She guided us through the busy streets to the cathedral. 她带领我们穿过繁忙的街道去大教堂。 ◆ We were guided around the museums. 我们在导游的带领下参观了博物馆。 ☞synonyms at take influence behaviour 影响行为 2 ★ guidesb to direct or influence sb's behaviour 指导,影响(某人的行为) ◆ He was always guided by his religious beliefs. 他的言行总是以自己的宗教信仰为依归。 explain 阐明 3 ★ guidesb (through sth) to explain to sb how to do sth, especially sth complicated or difficult (向某人)解释,阐明 ◆ The health and safety officer will guide you through the safety procedures. 健康安全官员将向你把安全规程解释一遍。 help sb move 帮助挪动 4 ★ guidesb/sth (+ adv./prep.) to help sb to move in a particular direction; to move sth in a particular direction 搀扶(某人朝…方向)走;(朝…方向)移动(某物) ◆ She took her arm and guided her across the busy road. 她挽着她的手臂领她穿过繁忙的公路。 ◆ He guided her hand to his face. 他拉起她的手放到他脸上。 ☞see also guiding guide / ɡaɪd ; NAmE ɡaɪd /
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