Germanic 英 [dʒɜ:ˈmænɪk]   美 [dʒɜrˈmænɪk]


Germanic  英 [dʒɜ:ˈmænɪk] 美 [dʒɜrˈmænɪk]

adj. 德国的;德语的;日耳曼人的;日耳曼语的  n. 日耳曼语 


Long before English was English the roots of this word were likely Germanic. 在英语还未成形之前,这个词的词根可能源于德语。
In Proto-Germanic mythology, the god Odin would host a great hunting party for the gods and fallen warriors each year at Yule. 在德国古老的神话中,欧丁神会在圣诞节那天为众神和死去的勇士举办盛大的狩猎狂欢会。

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  • adj. 德国的;德语的;日耳曼人的;日耳曼语的
  • n. 日耳曼语
  • 1. Long before English was English the roots of this word were likely Germanic.


  • 2. In Proto-Germanic mythology, the god Odin would host a great hunting party for the gods and fallen warriors each year at Yule.


  • 3. While the wise Old English had ditched W, the French had adopted it, particularly the French with some kind of Germanic roots.


  • Germanic (adj.) 1630s, "of Germany or Germans," from Latin Germanicus, from Germani (see German (n.)). From 1773 as "of the Teutonic race;" from 1842 especially with reference to the language family that includes German, Dutch, English, etc. As a noun, the name of that language family, by 1892, replacing earlier Teutonic. Germanical is attested from 1550s.
Ger·man·ic / dʒɜːˈmænɪk ; NAmE dʒɜːrˈmænɪk / adjective 1 connected with or considered typical of Germany or its people 德国的;德国人的;有德国(或德国人)特点的 She had an almost Germanic regard for order. 她简直像德国人一样讲究条理。 2 connected with the language family that includes German, English, Dutch and Swedish among others 日耳曼语(族)的 Ger·man·ic / dʒɜːˈmænɪk ; NAmE dʒɜːrˈmænɪk /
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