Gaelic 英 [ˈgælɪk]   美 [ˈɡelɪk]


Gaelic  英 [ˈgælɪk] 美 [ˈɡelɪk]

n. 盖尔语  adj. 盖尔人的 


There seems to have been some patronage of Gaelic poetry by the later Pictish kings. 这可能是后来的皮克特国王保护了盖尔语诗歌的缘故。
I heard it from a little old woman in a white cap, who sings to herself in Gaelic, and moves from one foot to the other as though she remembered the dancing of her youth. 一位戴白帽的老婆婆对我说过这个故事,她用盖尔语哼唱着歌谣,从一只脚挪到另一只脚,好像犹记得年轻时的舞步一样呢。

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  • n. 盖尔语
  • adj. 盖尔人的
  • 1. There seems to have been some patronage of Gaelic poetry by the later Pictish kings.


  • 2. I heard it from a little old woman in a white cap, who sings to herself in Gaelic, and moves from one foot to the other as though she remembered the dancing of her youth.


  • Gaelic (adj.) 1774, "of or pertaining to the Gaels" (meaning originally in English the Scottish Highlanders); 1775 as a noun, "language of the Celts of the Scottish Highlands;" earlier Gathelik (1590s), from Gael (Scottish Gaidheal; see Gael) + -ic.
Gael·ic noun [uncountable ] 1 / ˈɡælɪk ; NAmE ˈɡælɪk / / ˈɡeɪlɪk ; NAmE ˈɡeɪlɪk / the Celtic language of Scotland (苏格兰的)盖尔语 compare Scots 2 / ˈɡeɪlɪk ; NAmE ˈɡeɪlɪk / ( also ˌIrish ˈGaelic ) the Celtic language of Ireland (爱尔兰的)盖尔语 compare Erse , Irish n.  (1 ) Gael·ic adjective Gael·ic / ˈɡælɪk ; NAmE ˈɡælɪk /
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