GPS 英 [ˌdʒi: pi: ˈes]   美 [ˌdʒipi'es]


GPS  英 [ˌdʒi: pi: ˈes] 美 [ˌdʒipi'es]

abbr. 全球定位系统(Global Position System);通用雷达(General Purpose Radar);炮长主瞄准镜(Gunner's Primary Sight) 


With GPS, they also now know where you are whenever you have your phone. 利用全球定位系统,只要你带着电话,他们就知道你在哪里。
Used in combination with GPS, an accelerometer, a compass and the gyroscope can be used for in indoor navigation with floor accuracy. 与全球定位系统、加速度计、陀螺仪和指南针结合使用,可用于具有地面精度的室内导航。

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  • abbr. 全球定位系统(Global Position System);通用雷达(General Purpose Radar);炮长主瞄准镜(Gunner's Primary Sight)
  • 1. With GPS, they also now know where you are whenever you have your phone.


  • 2. Used in combination with GPS, an accelerometer, a compass and the gyroscope can be used for in indoor navigation with floor accuracy.


  • 3. There are already USB GPS devices for tracking where you’ve been but here’s another device that will instead keep track of what the temperature was, if for some reason you need to know.

    已经有USB全球定位系统设备以追踪你的位置所在。 但是,如果你因某个原因需要知道温度的话,还有一个设备可以代替来追踪记录温度。

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