abbr. 基因改造生物(genetically modified organism) 


Conversely, other opinions establish that there are too few independent (non-industry) studies of the health effects of GMO foods to have confidence in their safety. 反过来说 其他观点建立有GMO的食物的健康效应的很少独立(非产业)研究有对他们的安全的信心.
There are many opinions on this subject; however, data on the potential health risks of GMO foods are scanty, which has made it impractical to draw conclusions from it up till now. 关于这个主题有许多观点;然而 数据对潜在的健康风险的转基因食品是少之又少 从它直至目前为止 这使得不切实际得出结论.

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  • abbr. 基因改造生物(genetically modified organism)
  • 1. Conversely, other opinions establish that there are too few independent (non-industry) studies of the health effects of GMO foods to have confidence in their safety.

    反过来说 其他观点建立有GMO的食物的健康效应的很少独立(非产业)研究有对他们的安全的信心.

  • 2. There are many opinions on this subject; however, data on the potential health risks of GMO foods are scanty, which has made it impractical to draw conclusions from it up till now.

    关于这个主题有许多观点;然而 数据对潜在的健康风险的转基因食品是少之又少 从它直至目前为止 这使得不切实际得出结论.

  • 3. So says Jeremy Grantham, the value manager who helped found the Boston-based GMO asset management firm.


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