GM [,dʒi:'em]  


GM  [,dʒi:'em]

abbr. (美)通用汽车公司(General Motors);总经理(General Manager);导弹(Guided Missile) 

Determine if and when the GM should be alerted. 同时决定是否与何时上报给总经理。
Which means the robot, or some version of it, is more likely to show up in a GM plant before leaving the planet. 这意味着这些机器人或者它的一些变体,在离开地球进入太空之前,更可能出现在通用公司的工厂里。

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  • abbr. (美)通用汽车公司(General Motors);总经理(General Manager);导弹(Guided Missile)
  • 1. Determine if and when the GM should be alerted.


  • 2. Which means the robot, or some version of it, is more likely to show up in a GM plant before leaving the planet.


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