GCSE 英 [ˌdʒi: si: es ˈi:]  


GCSE  英 [ˌdʒi: si: es ˈi:]

abbr. (英国)普通中等教育证书(General Certificate of Secondary Education) 


He said it was probably down to the removal of coursework from the maths GCSE, as boys often thrive in exams compared with girls. 克雷斯韦尔表示,由于男生在数学总是比女生强,这种现象可能是因为取消了GCSE数学作业的学分。
The 48 year-nine pupils had not covered any part of the GCSE science syllabus before the lessons. 其中48名九年级学生在该课程前并未接触过任何GCSE科学课程提纲。

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  • abbr. (英国)普通中等教育证书(General Certificate of Secondary Education)
  • 1. He said it was probably down to the removal of coursework from the maths GCSE, as boys often thrive in exams compared with girls.


  • 2. The 48 year-nine pupils had not covered any part of the GCSE science syllabus before the lessons.


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