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- abbr. 十亿字节(GigaByte);英国(Great Britain)
1. For each chunk, the figure indicates the offset value of the chunk (in GB).
对于每个块,该图标出块的偏移量值(单位为 GB)。
2. GB: What inspires you most about leading the software development brand at IBM Software Group?
GB:关于在 IBM 软件集团领导软件开发品牌,什么对你启示最大?
3. Many times though, SSDs outperform regular disk drives and have a better price/performance ratio per GB under the assumption that not all the data has to be moved over to SSDs.
但是,在多数情况下,在假定并非所有数据都必须移动到 SSD 上的条件下,SSD 的性能优于常规硬盘驱动器,每 GB 拥有更高的性价比。
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