Fuhrer ['fjuərə]  


Fuhrer  ['fjuərə]

n. 元首;德国独裁者(纳粹统治时期对希特勒的称呼) 


Linz is now examining this page of its past in an exhibition called the Fuhrer's Capital of Culture. 正在林茨举行的名为“元首的文化之都”的展览检视的就是林茨历史上的这一页。
From the Fuhrer's headquarters came a special announcement announcing the "complete collapse" of the allied line from the sea to the Maginot Line and the German entry into Paris. 从元首大本营发出了一份特殊的通告宣布盟军在大西洋到马其诺间防线彻底崩溃和德军进入巴黎的消息。

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  • n. 元首;德国独裁者(纳粹统治时期对希特勒的称呼)
  • 1. Linz is now examining this page of its past in an exhibition called the Fuhrer's Capital of Culture.


  • 2. From the Fuhrer's headquarters came a special announcement announcing the "complete collapse" of the allied line from the sea to the Maginot Line and the German entry into Paris.


  • 3. The final line of the film, “Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!


  • Fuhrer (n.) 1934, from Führer und Reichskanzler, title assumed by Hitler in 1934 as head of the German state, from German Führer "leader," from führen "to lead," from Middle High German vüeren "to lead, drive," from Old High German fuoren "to set in motion, lead," causative of faran "to go, travel," from Proto-Germanic *faran- "to go," from PIE root *per-(2) "to lead, pass over." According to OED, Hitler's title was modeled on Mussolini's Duce.
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