Feb. [fɛb]  


Feb.  [fɛb]

abbr. 二月(February) 

A Nepalese child rides in the basket of a bicycle in Kathmandu on Feb. 22. 2月22日,在加德满都,一个尼泊尔小孩站在自行车的货筐中。
But instead of floating away to some afterlife, Sam wakes up in her bed to find it's the morning of Feb. 12, and she must relive the last day of her life over. 但萨曼莎发现自己并没有所谓地进行轮回转世,取而代之的是2月12日的早晨在自己的床上醒来,而且必须重新体验她生命中的最后一天一次。

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  • abbr. 二月(February)
  • 1. A Nepalese child rides in the basket of a bicycle in Kathmandu on Feb. 22.


  • 2. But instead of floating away to some afterlife, Sam wakes up in her bed to find it's the morning of Feb. 12, and she must relive the last day of her life over.


  • 3. Line out: These 200 Burmese, queuing for rations at an Indonesian refugee camp on Feb. 12, were some of the more than 1, 000 who tried to cross by boat into Thailand in February.

    排队: 这200名缅甸人2月12日在印度尼西亚难民营排队接受食物救济,他们是二月份乘船试图进入泰国的1,000多名难民中的一部分。

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