F 英 [ef]   美 [ef]


F  英 [ef] 美 [ef]

n. 字母F;不及格  abbr. 华氏温标(Fahrenheit) 


The one today is for integrating the normal component of F. 今天这个是用来求F的法向分量的积分的。
The interpretation for flux makes more sense if you think of F as a velocity field. What is the interpretation? 如果你把F当作一个流速场的话,那对通量的解释就更说得通了,那解释是什么?

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  • n. 字母F;不及格
  • abbr. 华氏温标(Fahrenheit)
  • 1. The one today is for integrating the normal component of F.


  • 2. The interpretation for flux makes more sense if you think of F as a velocity field. What is the interpretation?


  • 3. In Area F, they have large hooks in the ceiling. They tie the hands and legs of suspects like roasted chickens.


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