Estonian 英 [es'təuniən]  


Estonian  英 [es'təuniən]

adj. 爱沙尼亚的  n. 爱沙尼亚语;爱沙尼亚人 


At least, that’s what a group of Estonian researchers are claiming. 或者至少一组爱沙尼亚研究人员是这么声称的。
I wonder how we are going to occupy ourselves on the six-hour drive from the Latvian seaside resort of Jurmala to the Estonian university town of Tartu. 从拉脱维亚海滨度假胜地尤尔马拉到爱沙尼亚大学城塔尔图有六个小时的车程,我不知道我们怎样才能打发这些时光。

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  • adj. 爱沙尼亚的
  • n. 爱沙尼亚语;爱沙尼亚人
  • 1. At least, that’s what a group of Estonian researchers are claiming.


  • 2. I wonder how we are going to occupy ourselves on the six-hour drive from the Latvian seaside resort of Jurmala to the Estonian university town of Tartu.


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