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- abbr. 急诊室(emergency room);大地回路(Earth Return);回波测距(Echo Ranging);工程报告(Engineering Report);外阻(External Resistance)
1. Once the three servers are running with this SQLHOSTS file, they are ready to be part of an ER domain.
一旦这三个服务器使用这个 SQLHOSTS 文件运行后,它们就成为这个 ER 域的一部分了。
2. Because this is the first server in the domain, you see a confirmation screen asking if you would like to define this server as an ER server (Figure 1).
由于这是域中的第一个服务器,您将看到一个确认屏幕,询问您是否要将这个服务器定义为一个 ER 服务器(见图 1)。
3. Whereas the traditional ER model has an even and balanced style of entities and complex relationships among entities, the star model is very asymmetric.
传统的 ER 模型具有均匀且平衡的实体样式和实体之间的复杂关系,而星型模型却是完全不对称的。
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