abbr. 红细胞生成素合成药(等于erythropoietin);欧洲专利组织(European Patents Organization) 


Today, anyone wishing to register a patent must do so in one of the EPO's official languages - English, French and German. 目前,任何人想要注册专利,必须使用EPO的官方语言之一,即英文、法文或德文。
And last month, the European Patent Office (EPO) revoked a patent for a traditional remedy extracted from the roots of endemic South African plants. 上个月,欧洲专利局(EPO)取消了从南非地方特有的植物的根中萃取出的一种传统药物的专利。

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  • abbr. 红细胞生成素合成药(等于erythropoietin);欧洲专利组织(European Patents Organization)
  • 1. Today, anyone wishing to register a patent must do so in one of the EPO's official languages - English, French and German.


  • 2. And last month, the European Patent Office (EPO) revoked a patent for a traditional remedy extracted from the roots of endemic South African plants.


  • 3. This effort is intended to lead to a long-run situation in which a single XML format will work for e-filing in USPTO, EPO, and PCT situations.

    研究的目的是为了在 USPTO、EPO 和 PCT 的工作中长期使用单独一种 XML 格式。

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