EP ['i:'pi:]  


EP  ['i:'pi:]

abbr. EP盘唱片(extended-play record) 


If you assume that each border surrounding each principal is an enforcement point (EP) and decision point (DP), then in this diagram, you have incorporated all the elements needed for an HLD. 如果假定每个主体的每个边界都是执行点 (EP) 和决策点 (DP),则已在此关系图中包含了 HLD 所需的所有元素。
These testers activate inside the product team of various Focus Areas, but they report to the EP management. 这些测试人员参与到产品团队中的很多不同的关注域,但是从组织关系上来说,他们汇报给EP管理层。

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  • abbr. EP盘唱片(extended-play record)
  • 1. If you assume that each border surrounding each principal is an enforcement point (EP) and decision point (DP), then in this diagram, you have incorporated all the elements needed for an HLD.

    如果假定每个主体的每个边界都是执行点 (EP) 和决策点 (DP),则已在此关系图中包含了 HLD 所需的所有元素。

  • 2. These testers activate inside the product team of various Focus Areas, but they report to the EP management.


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