Darwinian [dɑ:'winiən]  


Darwinian  [dɑ:'winiən]

adj. 达尔文的;达尔文学说的  n. 进化论者;达尔文主义者 


And that controversy leads to another one. Does Darwinian selection take place at the level only of individuals, or of groups as well? 争论最后集中到这样一个问题上,达尔文的物竞天择究竟是只发生在个体层面上,还是在群体层面上依旧有效。
If Darwinian dynamics can give us the flexibility to cope with new diseases, why not also the flexibility to find cognitive solutions to novel problems? 如果达尔文的动力学可以给予我们对付新疾病的灵活性,为什么这种灵活性就不能找到解决新问题的认知方案呢?

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  • adj. 达尔文的;达尔文学说的
  • n. 进化论者;达尔文主义者
  • 1. And that controversy leads to another one. Does Darwinian selection take place at the level only of individuals, or of groups as well?


  • 2. If Darwinian dynamics can give us the flexibility to cope with new diseases, why not also the flexibility to find cognitive solutions to novel problems?


  • 3. It is perhaps rather obvious to attribute this to the evolutionary algorithm or Darwinian process, as I will do, but I wish to emphasize one part of this process — copying.


  • Darwinian (adj.)
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