Dark Age  

Dark Age

Dark Age 

What if our civilisation is followed by a second Dark Age? 如果我们的文明又要迎来一个黑暗时代怎么办?
Yesterday was a black day for the arts. Yet paradoxically the arts are not entering a new Dark Age. 昨天是艺术界的倒霉的一天,不过反常的是,艺术并没有因此而进入又一个黑暗的时代。

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  • 1. What if our civilisation is followed by a second Dark Age?


  • 2. Yesterday was a black day for the arts. Yet paradoxically the arts are not entering a new Dark Age.


  • 3. If he wants to bring everywhere to a grinding halt and to plunge us into a new Dark Age, he is on the right track.


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