DAT 英 [dæt]   美 [dæt]


DAT  英 [dæt] 美 [dæt]

abbr. 数字式录音带(digital audio tape);DOS文件名,数据文件 


The records are also incomplete, particularly for years prior to EM-DAT's establishment in 1988. 这份记录其实也并不完善,特别是对于1988年EM-DAT数据库建立之前的统计。
Run by Belgium's Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disaster, EM-DAT is the gold standard for these statistics. EM-DAT作为一家位于比利时的流行自然灾害研究机构对这些统计有一个黄金标准。

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  • abbr. 数字式录音带(digital audio tape);DOS文件名,数据文件
  • 1. The records are also incomplete, particularly for years prior to EM-DAT's establishment in 1988.


  • 2. Run by Belgium's Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disaster, EM-DAT is the gold standard for these statistics.


  • 3. If some or all of your XML documents are small enough to fit into their corresponding row on the base table page in the DAT object, they can be inlined into the relational row.

    如果某些或所有 XML 文档足够小,可以放置到 DAT 对象的基本表页面的对应行中,那么可以将它们内联为关系行。

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