Count 英 [kaʊnt]   美 [kaʊnt]


Count  英 [kaʊnt] 美 [kaʊnt]

v. 计算,数数;看作,算作  n. 计数; 

进行时:counting  过去式:counted  过去分词:counted  第三人称单数:counts  名词复数:counts 

Billy can't count yet. 比利还不会数数。
count from 1 to 10 从 1 数到 10

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  • v. 计算,数数;看作,算作
  • n. 计数;
  • 1. Billy can't count yet.


  • 2. count from 1 to 10

    从 1 数到 10

  • 3. We have invited 50 people, not counting the children.

    不算小孩,我们邀请了 50 人。

  • 4. Every point in this game counts.


  • 5. I count him among my closest friends.


  • 6. I'm sure he'll help.’ ‘ Don't count on it.’


  • 7. Don't go over that line or your throw won't count.


  • 8. The bus driver did a quick count of the empty seats.


  • 9. They were found guilty on all counts.


  • 10. I disagree with you on both counts.


  • count (n.1) title of nobility in some continental nations, corresponding to English earl, c. 1300, from Anglo-French counte "count, earl" (Old French conte), from Latin comitem (nominative comes) "companion, attendant," the Roman term for a provincial governor, from com "with" (see com-) + stem of ire "to go" (from PIE root *ei- "to go"). The term was used in Anglo-French to render Old English eorl, but the word was never truly naturalized and mainly was used with reference to foreign titles.
  • count (n.2) early 14c., "a counting, a calculation," also "an account of money or property;" late 15c., "the total number, the total counted," from Anglo-French counte, Old French conte "a count, a reckoning, calculations," from conter "to count, add up," from Latin computare "to count, sum up, reckon together" (see compute).
  • count (v.) late 14c., "to enumerate, assign numerals to successively and in order; repeat the numerals in order," also "to reckon among, include," from Old French conter "to count, add up," also "tell a story," from Latin computare "to count, sum up, reckon together," from com "with, together" (see com-) + putare "to reckon," originally "to prune," from PIE root *pau- (2) "to cut, strike, stamp."
count / kaʊnt ; NAmE kaʊnt / verb , noun count counts counted counting verb say numbers 数数 1 [intransitive ] to say numbers in the correct order (按顺序)数数 Billy can't count yet. 比利还不会数数。 countto/up to sth She can count up to 10 in Italian. 她可以用意大利语数到 10。 count(from sth) to/up to sth to count from 1 to 10 从 1 数到 10 find total 得到总数 2 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to calculate the total number of people, things, etc. in a particular group 计算(或清点)总数 countsth (up) The diet is based on counting calories. 这个饮食安排以计算热量为根据。 count(up) how many… She began to count up how many guests they had to invite. 她开始计算他们得邀请多少位客人。 countfrom… There are 12 weeks to go, counting from today. 从今天算起还有 12 个星期。 include 包括 3 [transitive ] countsb/sth to include sb/sth when you calculate a total 把…算入;包括 We have invited 50 people, not countingthe children. 不算小孩,我们邀请了 50 人。 matter 有重要性 4 [intransitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to be important 重要 SYN matter Every point in this game counts. 这场比赛每一分都很重要。 It's the thought that counts (= used about a small but kind action or gift). 贵在心意。 countfor sth The fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him. 她已道歉,但他认为这没有用。 accept officially 正式接纳 5 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to be officially accepted; to accept sth officially (被)正式接纳,正式认可 Don't go over that line or your throw won't count. 别越过那条线,否则你的投掷就会被判无效。 countsth Applications received after 1 July will not be counted. *7 月 1 日以后收到的申请书将不予受理。 consider 认为 6 [intransitive ,  transitive ] countas sb/sth | countsb/sth (as) sb/sth to consider sb/sth in a particular way; to be considered in a particular way 认为;看作;算作;被视为 count(sb/sth) as sb/sth For tax purposes that money counts/is counted as income. 那笔钱算作收入,需要纳税。 countsb/sth/yourself + adv./prep. I count him among my closest friends. 我把他看作我最亲密的朋友之一。 countsb/sth/yourself + adj. I count myself luckyto have known him. 和他相识,我觉得很幸运。 countsb/sth/yourself + noun She counts herself one of the lucky ones. 她认为自己是一个幸运儿。 IDIOMS be able to count sb/sth on (the fingers of) one ˈhand used to say that the total number of sb/sth is very small 屈指可数;寥寥无几 …and ˈcounting used to say that a total is continuing to increase (总数)仍在继续增加 The movie's ticket sales add up to $39 million, and counting. 这部电影的票房共 3 900 万元,还在继续上升。 count your ˈblessings to be grateful for the good things in your life 知足 don't count your ˈchickens (before they are ˈhatched) ( saying) you should not be too confident that sth will be successful, because sth may still go wrong 不要蛋未孵化先数小鸡;别过早打如意算盘 count the cost (of sth) to feel the bad effects of a mistake, an accident, etc. 感受(错误、事故等造成的)不利后果 The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection. 这个镇未采取充分的防洪措施,现在尝到苦头了。 count ˈsheep to imagine that sheep are jumping over a fence and to count them, as a way of getting to sleep 数(假想中跳出栅栏的)羊以求入睡 stand up and be ˈcounted to say publicly that you support sb or you agree with sth 公开表示支持(或赞同) who's ˈcounting? ( informal) used to say that you do not care how many times sth happens (表示不管发生多少次)谁在乎呢,管它呢 PHRASAL VERBS ˌcount aˈgainst sb | ˌcount sth aˈgainst sb to be considered or to consider sth to be a disadvantage in sb (被)认为对某人不利 For that job her lack of experience may count against her. 她缺乏经验可能对她申请那份工作不利。 ˌcount ˈdown (to sth) to think about a future event with pleasure or excitement and count the minutes, days, etc. until it happens 倒计时 She's already counting down to the big day. 她已经在对这一重大日子倒计时了。 related noun countdown ˌcount sb ˈin to include sb in an activity 把某人算入;包括 I hear you're organizing a trip to the game next week? Count me in! 我听说你们将在下周组织旅行去看比赛?把我也算上! ˈcount on sb/sth to trust sb to do sth or to be sure that sth will happen 依赖,依靠,指望(某人做某事);确信(某事会发生) SYN bank on sth ‘I'm sure he'll help.’ ‘ Don't count on it. “我肯定他会帮忙的。”“那可靠不住。” countsb/sth to do sth I'm counting on you to help me. 我就靠你帮我啦。 countdoing sth Few people can count on having a job for life. 很少人会指望一辈子都干一个工作。 countsb/sth doing sth We can't count on this warm weather lasting. 我们不能指望这暖和的天气会持久。 synonyms at trust ˌcount sb/sth↔ˈout to count things one after the other as you put them somewhere 边放置边数;逐一地数出 She counted out $70 in $10 bills. 她数出了 70 元钱,都是 10 元一张的。 ˌcount sb ˈout to not include sb in an activity 不把某人算入;不包括 If you're going out tonight you'll have to count me out. 假如你们今晚要出去,就别把我算在内。 ˌcount toˈwards/toˈward sth to be included as part of sth that you hope to achieve in the future 被包括在内(成为将来所得的一部份) Students gain college credits which count towards their degree. 学生获得的学分将计入其学位积分。 noun total 总数 1 [usually singular ] an act of counting to find the total number of sth; the total number that you find 数出总数;总数 The bus driver did a quick count of the empty seats. 公共汽车司机很快地数了数空位。 If the election result is close, there will be a second count. 如果选举结果很接近,将进行第二次计票。 The body count (= the total number of people who have died)stands at 24. 死亡人数总计为 24 人。 see also headcount saying numbers 数数 2 [usually singular ] an act of saying numbers in order beginning with 1 (按顺序的)数数,点数 Raise your leg and hold for a count of ten. 抬起一条腿,保持这一姿势,直至数到十。 He was knocked to the ground and stayed down for a count of eight (= in boxing). 他被击倒在地,躺在地上直至数到八(拳击用语)。 measurement 度量 3 [usually singular ] ( technical 术语 ) a measurement of the amount of sth contained in a particular substance or area (某物在某物质或面积中)量的计数 a raised white blood cell count 升高了的白血球数 see also blood count , pollen count crime 罪行 4 ( law ) a crime that sb is accused of committing (被指控的)罪状,事项 They were found guilty on all counts. 他们被判各项罪名成立。 She appeared in court on three counts of fraud. 她因三项诈骗罪而出庭受审。 in discussion/argument 讨论;争论 5 [usually plural ] a point made during a discussion or an argument (讨论或争论的)论点,观点,问题,事项 I disagree with you on both counts. 我对你的两个观点均不敢苟同。 rank/title 等级;头衔 6 (in some European countries) a noblemanof high rank, similar to an earlin Britain 伯爵(欧洲一些国家相当于英国 earl 的贵族封号) Count Tolstoy 托尔斯泰伯爵 see also countess IDIOMS at the last ˈcount according to the latest information about the numbers of sth 根据有关…数字的最新消息 She'd applied for 30 jobs at the last count. 根据有关的最新消息她申请过 30 个职位。 keep (a) count (of sth) to remember or keep a record of numbers or amounts of sth over a period of time (在一段时期内)记得数目,数得清,记录 Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week. 把你一星期的热卡摄入量记录下来。 lose count (of sth) to forget the total of sth before you have finished counting it 数不清 I lost count and had to start again. 我数着数着忘了,不得不又从头开始数。 She had lost count of the number of times she'd told him to be careful (= she could not remember because there were so many). 她不知多少次告诉过他要小心。 ˌout for the ˈcount ( BrE) ( NAmE ˌdown for the ˈcount ) 1 (of a boxer 拳击手 ) unable to get up again within ten seconds after being knocked down (被击倒后的十秒钟以内)无法再站立起来 2 in a deep sleep 熟睡;酣睡 count / kaʊnt ; NAmE kaʊnt /
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