Copernican 英 [kəu'pə:nikən]  


Copernican  英 [kəu'pə:nikən]

adj. 哥白尼的;哥白尼学说的 


In the Copernican model, the stars appear as pinpricks to observers on Earth. 在哥白尼的模型中,在地球上观察到得星体就像是一个点。
It sounds like the culmination of the Copernican revolution, the ultimate displacement of humanity from a central role in the grand scheme of things. 这听起来简直就是集哥白尼革命之大成,把人类从原本自居的万物中心完全拉了下来。

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  • adj. 哥白尼的;哥白尼学说的
  • 1. In the Copernican model, the stars appear as pinpricks to observers on Earth.


  • 2. It sounds like the culmination of the Copernican revolution, the ultimate displacement of humanity from a central role in the grand scheme of things.


  • 3. The first observations of the phases of Venus, made byGalileo with his telescope in 1610, agreed with the predictions of the heliocentric Copernican model of the Solar System.

    金星的各种相早在 1610 年就首次被伽利略用他的望远镜观察到,而这一事实成为了哥白尼的日心说的佐证。

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