Colombian 英 [kə'lɒmbɪən]   美 [kə'loʊmbɪrn]


Colombian  英 [kə'lɒmbɪən] 美 [kə'loʊmbɪrn]

adj. 哥伦比亚的  n. 哥伦比亚人 


If I’m the one winning every time I deal, I end up with a Colombian necktie, know what I’m sayin’? 如果每次发牌都是我赢的话,我会被他们哥伦比亚人用领带勒死的,你懂我意思吧?
And our Colombian partners said they would protect the lives of all of their citizens, including trade unionists, and bring murderers and criminals to justice. 我们的哥伦比亚合作伙伴说,他们将保护该国所有公民的生命,包括工会会员,并将凶犯和罪犯绳之以法。

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  • adj. 哥伦比亚的
  • n. 哥伦比亚人
  • 1. If I’m the one winning every time I deal, I end up with a Colombian necktie, know what I’m sayin’?


  • 2. And our Colombian partners said they would protect the lives of all of their citizens, including trade unionists, and bring murderers and criminals to justice.


  • 3. Seeing the writing on the wall, the company ended all its operations in Colombia, and this was to the benefit of no one: not Colombian workers, nor American consumers, nor anyone else.


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