Chinaman 英 ['tʃainəmən]  


Chinaman  英 ['tʃainəmən]

n. 中国佬 


Her gown was a light cotton print, and from the back of her head a kind of rope could be seen descending to some distance below her waist, like a Chinaman's queue. 她穿一件薄薄的印花布女衫,有一条像绳子似的东西从她的脑后垂下来,一直延伸到她的腰下,就像中国人的一条辫子。
In fact, China, I may say here, has become a republic now because the poor demented imbecile Republican Chinaman today has lost his civilization as he has lost his queue. 事实上,余曰,中国如今已成共和之国,盖因目今穷凶极恶低能之中国人,绞辫子而丢其文明之故也。

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  • n. 中国佬
  • 1. Her gown was a light cotton print, and from the back of her head a kind of rope could be seen descending to some distance below her waist, like a Chinaman's queue.


  • 2. In fact, China, I may say here, has become a republic now because the poor demented imbecile Republican Chinaman today has lost his civilization as he has lost his queue.


  • 3. At once the Happy Chinaman swung the sack over his shoulder and continued on his way.


  • Chinaman (n.) 1711, "native of China," from China + man (n.). Also in 18c., "dealer in china wares" (1728). Chinaman's chance "very little chance at all" is from 1904 in a California context.
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