Central Park  

Central Park

Central Park 

phrase. 中央公园(位于美国纽约) 

The Central Park is not so well grassed as it used to be. 中央公园不如过去那样芳草如茵了。
But I only have three days (of about 50 miles) and then the 35-mile stroll into Central Park on Saturday. That should leave enough time to do some proper drinking at the end. 但是,我只剩下三天每天50英里的行程,然后在周六跑步35英里进入中央公园,这样安排能留下足够时间在到达终点后喝上几杯。

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  • phrase. 中央公园(位于美国纽约)
  • 1. The Central Park is not so well grassed as it used to be.


  • 2. But I only have three days (of about 50 miles) and then the 35-mile stroll into Central Park on Saturday. That should leave enough time to do some proper drinking at the end.


  • 3. But they find themselves drawn back to their elm in Central Park. Spending a night there is spiritually restorative, they said, if a bit chilly of late.


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