CPA [,sipi'e]  


CPA  [,sipi'e]

abbr. 注册会计师(Certified Public Accountant);民间财产代理人(Civilian Property Agent);英联邦议会协会(Commonwealth Parliamentary Association);每次激活的费用 (Cost per Action) 


I have passed the five courses required by the Chinese CPA Association. 我已经通过了中国注册会计师协会所要求的五门课程。
Likewise, a CPA needs certain facts to achieve the task of budgeting and forecasting cash flow for your business. 同时,一个注册会计师要能为您的而企业计划合理的预算和预测资金流。

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  • abbr. 注册会计师(Certified Public Accountant);民间财产代理人(Civilian Property Agent);英联邦议会协会(Commonwealth Parliamentary Association);每次激活的费用 (Cost per Action)
  • 1. I have passed the five courses required by the Chinese CPA Association.


  • 2. Likewise, a CPA needs certain facts to achieve the task of budgeting and forecasting cash flow for your business.


  • 3. Potential career paths: An in-depth understanding of accounting theory and practice is great preparation to work as a CPA or manager in the financial services industry.


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