Brig. Gen.  

Brig. Gen.

Brig. Gen. 

abbr. 陆军准将(Brigadier General) 

"If two are sufficient, why build 10?" asked Brig. Gen. Nazir Ahmed Butt, defense attache in Pakistan's embassy in Washington. 巴基斯坦驻华盛顿大使馆武官纳齐尔·艾哈迈德·巴特说:“如果两座已经足够,为什么要建10座呢?
Four years ago, Brig. Gen. Aqa Noor Kintuz was hired as provincial chief of police in the northeastern Afghan province of Badakhshan and charged with destroying its plentiful poppy fields. 四年前,阿卡•诺尔•金图兹旅长受聘荣升阿富汗东北部的巴拉吉巴拉克省的警察厅长,负责清剿该地的大片罂粟地。

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  • abbr. 陆军准将(Brigadier General)
  • 1. "If two are sufficient, why build 10?" asked Brig. Gen. Nazir Ahmed Butt, defense attache in Pakistan's embassy in Washington.


  • 2. Four years ago, Brig. Gen. Aqa Noor Kintuz was hired as provincial chief of police in the northeastern Afghan province of Badakhshan and charged with destroying its plentiful poppy fields.


  • 3. James Tibbets, son of Brig. Gen. Paul W. Tibbets, Jr., says Friday's visit to Hiroshima by U.S. Ambassador John Roos is an act of contrition that his late father would never have approved.

    詹姆斯·蒂贝茨,美国空军少将保罗·蒂贝茨之子, 称其去世的父亲决不会赞同美国大使约翰·罗斯的广岛之行,这是一种悔罪举动。

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