Big Ben  

Big Ben

Big Ben 

phrase. (伦敦英国议会大厦钟楼上的)大本钟 

名词复数:big bens 

Most people think of this London landmark as Big Ben, but Big Ben is actually the name of the largest bell inside this pendulum clock. 大多数人都认为伦敦的标志是大本钟,其实大本钟只不过指的是威斯敏特宫的大摆钟里面的那个巨型铃钟而已。
V for Vendetta, after all, celebrates the bombing of Big Ben and the Post Office tower. V代表世仇,为大本钟和伦敦邮政大厦的轰炸而欢呼雀跃。

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  • phrase. (伦敦英国议会大厦钟楼上的)大本钟
  • 1. Most people think of this London landmark as Big Ben, but Big Ben is actually the name of the largest bell inside this pendulum clock.


  • 2. V for Vendetta, after all, celebrates the bombing of Big Ben and the Post Office tower.


  • 3. Big Ben's movement has caused cracks in the walls of other parts of the House of Commons, including corridors where ministers and shadow ministers have their offices.


  • Big Ben (n.) clock-bell in the Parliament tower in London, by 1861, generally said to have been named for Sir Benjamin Hall (1802-1867), first Chief Commissioner of Works, under whose supervision the bell was cast. The name later was extended to the clock itself and its tower.
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