Bavarian 英 [bə'vεəriən]  


Bavarian  英 [bə'vεəriən]

adj. 巴伐利亚的;巴伐利亚人的  n. 巴伐利亚方言;巴伐利亚人 


A cow called Yvonne, who escaped from a Bavarian farm after apparently sensing she was about to be slaughtered, has been tracked down after three months on the run. 一头名为伊冯娜的奶牛,在明显感觉到她要被宰杀之后从一个巴伐利亚的养殖场逃了出来,在奔跑了三个月后被追查到。
The company traces its origin to Levi Strauss (1829–1902), a Bavarian immigrant who arrived in San Francisco in 1850 during the Gold Rush, bringing dry goods for sale to miners. 公司的起源可以追溯到一名叫做李维·施特劳斯(1829–1902)的巴伐利亚人,他在1850年的淘金热时期移民到旧金山,将纺织品卖给矿工。

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  • adj. 巴伐利亚的;巴伐利亚人的
  • n. 巴伐利亚方言;巴伐利亚人
  • 1. A cow called Yvonne, who escaped from a Bavarian farm after apparently sensing she was about to be slaughtered, has been tracked down after three months on the run.


  • 2. The company traces its origin to Levi Strauss (1829–1902), a Bavarian immigrant who arrived in San Francisco in 1850 during the Gold Rush, bringing dry goods for sale to miners.


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