Barbadian 英 [bɑ:'beɪdɪən]   美 [bɑr'beɪdɪrn]


Barbadian  英 [bɑ:'beɪdɪən] 美 [bɑr'beɪdɪrn]

n. 巴贝多;巴贝多人 


The Barbadian snake apparently eats termites and insect larvae, but nothing is yet known of its ecology and behavior. 这条巴巴多斯蛇以白蚁和昆虫幼虫为食,但对于它的生态学和行为学的了解还一无所获。
d Vietnam, and Bobby Kennedy—more good reasons to be out of a house that wasn’t nearly big enough for four little kids plus a Barbadian nanny in the basement. 随后又来了民权运动、越战、和巴比·肯尼迪,多么好的理由啊,乔伊斯更不想呆在家里了:家里挤着四个小孩外加一个住在地下室的巴巴多斯保姆,已经拥挤不堪。

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  • n. 巴贝多;巴贝多人
  • 1. The Barbadian snake apparently eats termites and insect larvae, but nothing is yet known of its ecology and behavior.


  • 2. d Vietnam, and Bobby Kennedy—more good reasons to be out of a house that wasn’t nearly big enough for four little kids plus a Barbadian nanny in the basement.


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