Aztec 英 ['æztek]  


Aztec  英 ['æztek]

n. 阿芝特克人;阿芝特克语  adj. 阿芝特克人的 


Hence the Aztec sacrifices, the ancient rites of the eclipse. 因此才有了阿兹特克人献祭,这些古老的日蚀仪式。
Aztec danzantes in Mexico City wear leggings containing seeds from the ayoyotl tree, called chachayotes, which make a sound with every step. 墨西哥城的阿兹特克人在舞蹈节上戴的绑腿挂满了恰恰果。 他们每挪动一步都会发出声响。

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  • n. 阿芝特克人;阿芝特克语
  • adj. 阿芝特克人的
  • 1. Hence the Aztec sacrifices, the ancient rites of the eclipse.


  • 2. Aztec danzantes in Mexico City wear leggings containing seeds from the ayoyotl tree, called chachayotes, which make a sound with every step.

    墨西哥城的阿兹特克人在舞蹈节上戴的绑腿挂满了恰恰果。 他们每挪动一步都会发出声响。

  • 3. Food of the Gods During his conquest of Mexico, Cortez found the Aztec Indians using cocoa beans in the preparation of the royal drink of the realm, "chocolate, " meaning warm liquid.


  • Aztec "one of the native people who dominated the central highlands of Mexico in 1519 at the time of the Spanish invasion, 1787, from Spanish Azteca, from Nahuatl aztecatl (plural aztecah), meaning "coming from Aztlan," name of their legendary place of origin, usually said to lie somewhere in what is now southwestern U.S. Related: Aztecan.
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