Austro- 英 [ˈɒstrəʊ]   美 [ˈɔstrəʊ]


Austro-  英 [ˈɒstrəʊ] 美 [ˈɔstrəʊ]

Vienna has hosted the Habsburg court over centuries, first as the imperial see of the Holy Roman Empire, then the capital of the Austrian Empire and later of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. 维也纳最初是神圣罗马帝国的领地,接着成为奥地利帝国的首都,后来又成为奥匈帝国的首都,哈布斯堡王朝在维也纳雄踞达数个世界之久。
I don’t think there’s been an orderly breakup of a currency zone since the partition of the Austro-Hungarian empire, and if I remember this required things like closing borders for extended periods. 我想自从奥匈帝国解体以后就没再发生过有组织的货币区域瓦解了,如果我记得的话还需要采取长久地关闭边境这类措施。

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  • 1. Vienna has hosted the Habsburg court over centuries, first as the imperial see of the Holy Roman Empire, then the capital of the Austrian Empire and later of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


  • 2. I don’t think there’s been an orderly breakup of a currency zone since the partition of the Austro-Hungarian empire, and if I remember this required things like closing borders for extended periods.


  • 3. Sigmund Freud was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1856.


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