Aug ['ɔg]  


Aug  ['ɔg]

abbr. 八月(August) 


“Obama says he’s a Christian, but where’s the evidence?” he said on Aug. 19. “奥巴马说他是个基督徒,但是有何证据呢?” 立博在八月19号如是说。
Two days later, on Aug. 16, they reconnected by phone and the woman invited him to her apartment, more than 40 miles outside Stockholm. 两天后,八月16日,他们通过电话联系,这个女人邀请他去她的公寓,在斯德哥尔摩40英里之外。

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  • abbr. 八月(August)
  • 1. “Obama says he’s a Christian, but where’s the evidence?” he said on Aug. 19.

    “奥巴马说他是个基督徒,但是有何证据呢?” 立博在八月19号如是说。

  • 2. Two days later, on Aug. 16, they reconnected by phone and the woman invited him to her apartment, more than 40 miles outside Stockholm.


  • 3. Their report appears in the Aug. 28 issue of Nature.


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