American 英 [əˈmerɪkən]   美 [əˈmɛrɪkən]


American  英 [əˈmerɪkən] 美 [əˈmɛrɪkən]

n. 美国人,美洲人;美国英语  adj. 美国的,美洲的;地道美国式的 


He operated in an American company. 他在一家美国公司供职。
Do you use English or American spelling(s)? 你使用英国拼法还是美国拼法?

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  • n. 美国人,美洲人;美国英语
  • adj. 美国的,美洲的;地道美国式的
  • 1. He operated in an American company.


  • 2. Do you use English or American spelling(s)?


  • 3. We learned the matter from an American paper.


  • American (adj.) 1590s, "pertaining to the Western Hemisphere and its aboriginal inhabitants," from Modern Latin Americanus, from America (q.v.); the sense of "pertaining to the residents of North America of European (originally British) descent" is first recorded 1640s; later "pertaining to the United States." French Américain, Spanish and Italian Americano, German Amerikanisch. Fem. form Americaness attested from 1838. The American beauty rose so called from 1886. American English as a sub-language attested from 1806; Amerenglish is from 1974.
  • American (n.) 1570s, originally "one of the aboriginal peoples discovered in the Western Hemisphere by Europeans," from Modern Latin Americanus, from America (q.v.). The original sense is now Native Americans; the sense of "resident of North America of European (originally British) descent" is from 1765.
Ameri·can / əˈmerɪkən ; NAmE əˈmerɪkən / noun , adjective American Americans noun 1 a person from America, especially the US 美洲人;(尤指)美国人 see also African American , Native American 2 ( also Aˈmerican English ) the English language as spoken in the US 美国英语 adjective of or connected with N or S America, especially the US 美洲的;(尤指)美国的 I'm American. 我是美国人。 American culture/tourists 美国文化╱游客 IDIOM as Aˌmerican as apple ˈpie used to say that sth is typical of America 典型美国式的;地道美国式的 MORE ABOUT 补充说明 America The continent of Americais divided into North Americaand South America.The narrow region joining North and South America is Central America. 美洲(America)大陆划分为北美洲(North America)和南美洲(South America),连接两地的地峡为中美洲(Central America)。 North America,which is a geographical term, consists of the United States of America, Canadaand Mexico. Latin America,a cultural term, refers to the non-English speaking countries of Central and South America, where mainly Portuguese and Spanish are spoken. Mexico is part of Latin America. 北美洲(North America)是地理术语,由美国(United States of America)、加拿大(Canada)和墨西哥(Mexico)组成。拉丁美洲(Latin America)是文化术语,指中美洲和南美洲的非英语国家,那里主要说葡萄牙语和西班牙语。墨西哥是拉丁美洲的一部份。 The United States of Americais usually shortened to the USA,the US,the Statesor simply America. *the United States of America (美国)通常简称为 the USA、the US、the States 或干脆叫 America: the US President 美国总统 Have you ever been to the States? 你去过美国吗? She emigrated to America in 1995. 她 1995 年移民美国。 Many people from other parts of the continent dislike this use of Americato mean just the US, but it is very common. 虽然美洲大陆其他地方许多人不喜欢用 America 指美国,但此用法非常普遍。 Americanis usually used to talk about somebody or something from the United States of America. *American 通常指美国的人或事物: Do you have an American passport? 你有美国护照吗? American football 美式足球 I’m not American, I’m Canadian. 我不是美国人,我是加拿大人。 Latin Americanand South Americanare used to refer to other parts of the continent. *Latin American (拉丁美洲的;拉丁美洲人)和 South American (南美洲的;南美洲人)指美洲大陆的其他部份: Latin American dance music 拉丁美洲舞曲 Quite a lot of South Americans study here. 相当多的南美洲人在这里学习。 Ameri·can / əˈmerɪkən ; NAmE əˈmerɪkən /
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