


One witness said four carloads of young African-Caribbean men had cruised down Dudley Road and suggested there had been no doubt what they were planning to loot. 一位目击者说当时有四车的年青加勒比黑人在Dudley路游荡而来,认为他们当时正在策划抢劫。
The day he was shot, Duggan hired a people carrier from a taxi firm. Officers from the Met's Operation Trident, which investigates gun crime within the African-Caribbean community, followed it. 当天,达根从出租车公司叫了一辆小车,“三叉戟”行动(调查加勒比黑人的持枪犯罪)的警员对他实施跟踪。

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  • 1. One witness said four carloads of young African-Caribbean men had cruised down Dudley Road and suggested there had been no doubt what they were planning to loot.


  • 2. The day he was shot, Duggan hired a people carrier from a taxi firm. Officers from the Met's Operation Trident, which investigates gun crime within the African-Caribbean community, followed it.


  • 3. They think African, Caribbean-born blacks and others are riding on the caboose of black America's struggles.


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